Trust-IT coordinates requirements gathering on EOSC Portal

24 Jun 2020

For a project such as EOSC Enhance that is tasked with implementing improvements to the EOSC Portal, and to create an EOSC Portal that serves its users, requirements gathering is a critical step that starts by understanding the users' needs.

Trust-IT, through its leadership of EOSC Enhance Dissemination, Stakeholder Requirements & Engagement activities and in conjunction with requirements task leaders EFIS, has launched the project's requirements gathering activities to guide the EOSC Portal's technical implementations.

The EOSC Portal requirements gathering activities will be a continuous process to collect new requirements, validate and prioritise them and to provide feedback.

The activities are steered by EOSC Enhance, specifically its Requirements Gathering Task Force, in coordination with EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE. The process will involve different instruments including a ticketing system, targeted interviews, questionnaires, workshops, public consultations.

Requirements gathering in 2020 will be focused on EOSC regional, thematic, and implementation projects while 2021 will focus more on individual researchers, scientists and other users of the EOSC Portal.

To-date, a targetted requirements gathering workshop has been organised on 12 May 2020 with the INFRAEOSC-5b projects and a public workshop titled "EOSC Portal - focus on requirements collection", open to various EOSC stakeholders, was held as part of the EOSC-hub Week 2020. Interviews with various EOSC projects is already ongoing starting with the EOSC regional projects and the thematic cluster projects, further covering other EOSC projects in the coming months.

Soon, a permanent requirements gathering form will be published on the EOSC Portal and the EOSC Secretariat - EOSC Service and Research Product Catalogues Interest Group will be tapped to provide more channels to collect requirements to be implemented in the EOSC Portal.

Learn more about EOSC Enhance and the role Trust-IT plays.
See the EOSC Enhance in our portfolio section!

Publication date: 24 Jun 2020