WISER successfully marks its 1st year milestone on the pathway to democratising cyber security in Europe

WISER successfully marks its 1st year milestone on the pathway to democratising cyber security in Europe


WISER, one of the earliest Innovation Actions funded under H2020, after its first year, is making a distinctive position for itself in the effort of innovating cybersecurity in Europe and the European Commission is monitoring with anticipation the impact of its achievements.

Results like the CyberWISER-Light service, free to use and aiming to democratise the approach to cybersecurity for European SMEs, are encouraging and well interpret the effort and spirit needed in the field to sustain the European Digital Single Market, where practical Go-to-market approaches and usability features of products & services are the key to success of Innovation Actions. 
With its certainly high-level innovation potential, WISER commits its resources to create awareness & a global cyber security culture, by directly answering the latest European Communication on “ICT Standardisation Priorities for the Digital Single Market”, while filling important gaps in the cyber security market especially for SMEs, the lifeblood of the EU economy.
Stay updated on WISER’s progress and learn about the benefits it can bring to you and your business in terms of cybersecurity on www.cyberwiser.eu.
Publication date: 25 Jul 2016