5G User Forum

The 5G User Forum welcomes 5G-MAG onboard

The number of industry verticals joining 3GPP has grown exponentially in recent years as more companies see the value 5G creates in terms of driving digital transformation as efficiently as possible...Read more


How to effectively use Twitter for a research project

Francesco Osimanti , Trust-IT Services Project Manager & HRB expert Have you just published a paper or a preprint and eager to spread the word across Twitter? How can you do this more efficiently...Read more


Visual Histories of 20th Century Occupation

While studies on World War II and the Holocaust have been common in the context of EU-funded research over the past decades, the cross-disciplinary analysis and interpretation of the long-term...Read more


CESSDA Roadshow: COVID-19

Join the CESSDA event on 30 September, 14.00-16.00 CEST! In a world beset by challenges, from the COVID-19 pandemic to climate change, the social sciences have never been more important for impartial...Read more


Shifting towards advanced, digital, greener technologies

As part of the European RECOTRANS project dissemination programme, AIMPLAS and the RECOTRANS consortium are hosting an online conference on Wednesday 29 September 2021. The event seeks contributions covering research projects that are focused on the development of novel materials, technologies and methods for an efficient manufacturing and composite recycling concepts of the next generation of the transport sector, in alignment with the European Mobility Strategy Roadmap.Read more


Hidden Histories of the Early Modern Caribbean and Mediterranean

Registration link : https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IoEiXZg-TMyL4ahCpjWE0A Description Join ConnecCaribbean , ArCarib and Shades of Black as they delve into the parts of history that are...Read more
