WISER announces the launch of its new, free cyber security posture tool for European SMEs: CyberWISER Light

CyberWISER Light is a free, new service to build resilience against growing cyber risks, within and outside the company.Read more

Welcoming you to our Open House - 10 June 2016, via Nino Bixio 25, Pisa

PI Management, Trust-IT Services, COMMpla, Innotec and AQdex are delighted to invite you to the 8th edition of our Open House with artworks by Tiziana De Felice, Alessandro Grazi, Alessandra Parravicini, Selene Precisi e Ilenia Rosati.Read more

Silvana Muscella Master of cerimonies at SecureCloud2016

Silvana Muscella, CEO at trust-IT Services, is Master of Ceremonies at SecureCloud 2016, the only European conference focussed exclusively on cloud security.Read more

Trust-IT & BlueBRIDGE - European Maritime Day 2016

Trust-IT is involved in the organisation and execution of the BlueBRIDGE workshop "Towards innovative data services for Blue Growth", which will part of the European Maritime Day, Turku, Finland. The...Read more

Cloudscape Brazil

Cloudscape Brazil 2016 is approaching. 6-7th July, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

As a member of EUBrasilCloudFORUM ( http://eubrasilcloudforum.eu ), Trust-IT is leading the organization of the 3rd edition of Cloudscape Brazil with the ambition to shape cloud developments in both Brazil and Europe.Read more

Unit E2 Concertation meeting - Clusters, collaboration and creating impact in the market

Clustering and convergence between projects on common themes and challenges, and the re-use of technologies is now a reality in Unit E2. Find out how Unit E2 projects are now working together to...Read more
