Brief description is a 24-month Digital Europe Programme project that aims at delivering a targeted, democratic, industry-driven initiative to support European interests in Standardisation within the Blockchain/DLT domain, bringing together EU researchers and open standards specialists, along with industry and policy experts. An experienced and well-networked consortium will implement an impact-focused and mature workplan in the interests of the European blockchain/DLT constituencies and initiatives, tapping into a multi-disciplinary group of experts (funded through ha series of 4 recurring Open Calls) to facilitate streamlined and effective Standardisation processes through cooperation and collaboration, which are key features necessary to guarantee continued dialogue from a regulatory, governmental, policy, business and technology perspective.

Jun 2023 to May 2025 Ongoing
ICT Standards & SW Excellence

Our role

In quality of Project Coordinator Trust-It will coordinate and manage the project and strategic and technical activities across the different Work Packages. Moreover, Trust-IT will be responsible for the full development of the project’s web platform which will represent the cornerstone of the Open Call’s procedure. The web platform will ensure paper-free application to the open calls up to online submission and monitoring of all applications, including the funded proposals.

Trust-IT will also lead Task 3.1 “Support to the EU and international blockchain/DLT cooperation model”, in view of the establishment of a Permanent Task Force that will ensure mutually beneficial coordination between and other Blockchain Initiatives (INATBA, EBSI, EBP, European Blockchain Observatory & Forum), with a pragmatic approach on the European and international scene.
Finally, Trust-IT will be in charge of the overall Outreach & Dissemination strategy of the project with the objective of achieving the following:

  • Full engagement of all Stakeholder Groups, instrumental in building and growing up the community;
  • Development of projects’ website & visual identity;
  • Organisation of tailored events;
  • Promotion of European values also via educational activities;
  • Definition of a Blockchain/DLT policy Standardisation roadmap;
  • Creation of a lasting legacy for the initiative leveraging on the project assets.


  • Tangible contribution to strengthening the presence of European players on International blockchain Standardisation.
  • Production of the landscape and gap analysis report on Blockchain/DLT Standardisation to specifically contribute to the blockchain chapter as part of the Rolling Plan of Standardisation.
  • Ensure that Europe remains a central, strategic player in DLT Standardisation activities in the major initiatives currently underway in the international SDOs, through the activities of the funded experts.


  • 40 Blockchain European experts funded through 4 Open Calls;
  • Contribution to 100 Standardisation documents;
  • 2 annual impact events; 
  • Creation of a Permanent Task Force (PTF) to support European Blockchain initiatives;
  • 4 workshops (2 organised in Europe one in the US and one in Australia); 
  • 12 webinars; the Blockchain Policy Roadmap; 
  • 70 established synergies with R&I projects; 
  • 75 best practices and 2 impact reports; 
  • Community of 3,000+ members.

Onboarding your target communities to ensure uptake of research solutions requires a structured approach, deep analytical skills and the design and implementation of communication and engagement plans made up of a mix of techniques and tools.

If you need to identify and build the perfect audience for your research activity and boost your community, contact us, we’ll be happy to help.

Contact us today!


The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe under grant agreement No 101102718.