Brief description
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ecosystem of research data and related services that enables seamless access to and reliable re-use of FAIR research outputs, including data, publications, and software.
A key priority in the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) is the establishment of the Web of FAIR data and a Minimum Viable EOSC by 2027, featuring core components and functions to enable EOSC to operate (the EOSC-Core).
The FAIRCORE4EOSC project focuses on developing and realising nine new EOSC-Core components that support a FAIR EOSC, addressing gaps identified in the SRIA. These components aim to improve the discoverability and interoperability of research outputs.
Our Role
Trust-IT Services is involved in the Work Package on Early Adoption, Dissemination, Outreach, and Exploitation. We lead two key tasks:
Dissemination and Adoption:
- Stimulating the uptake of components in new domains by organising dedicated workshops, in collaboration with the FAIR-IMPACT project.
- Coordinating the creation of case study user stories and videos to explain the practical benefits of the FAIRCORE4EOSC components for research communities.
Stakeholder Engagement:
- Developing and implementing the overall communication and dissemination plan.
- Managing the project website, social media, and other public channels.
- Coordinating the project’s participation in external events, conferences, and fairs.
FAIRCORE4EOSC delivers new EOSC-Core components supporting a FAIR research life cycle. Specifically, these components enable an EOSC PID infrastructure, an EOSC research software infrastructure, support for sharing and access to metadata schemas and crosswalks, and offer advanced research-intent driven discovery services across EOSC repositories.
These components will help European researchers and research communities make their datasets findable in EOSC, easily discover research outputs, and facilitate cross-discipline reuse. FAIRCORE4EOSC will also produce and share its publications, data, software/source code, and services according to Open Access and FAIR principles, respecting the EOSC Interoperability Framework.
- Designed and delivered FAIRCORE4EOSC's online presence and branding, including the website and social media.
- Implemented 9 new components to enable a fully integrated FAIR EOSC ecosystem within the EOSC-Core:
- EOSC Research Discovery Graph (RDGraph)
- EOSC PID Graph (PIDGraph)
- EOSC Metadata Schema and Crosswalk Registry (MSCR)
- EOSC Data Type Registry (DTR)
- EOSC PID Meta Resolver (PIDMR)
- EOSC Compliance Assessment Toolkit (CAT)
- EOSC Research Activity Identifiers Service (RAiD)
- EOSC Research Software APIs and Connectors (RSAC)
- EOSC Software Heritage Mirror (SWHM)
- Developed 5 case studies to showcase the usage and performance testing of FAIRCORE4EOSC's components.
FAIRCORE4EOSC has received funding from the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101057264.

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