Brief Description
The EU-funded SUREPASTOR Project is an initiative supported by the European Union PRIMA Program and coordinated by the University of Florence DAGRI department, that aims at developing sustainable and resilient management strategies for agropastoralism. The main goal is to enhance the resilience of small traditional farms in the Mediterranean Area - where rangelands are facing vegetation and soil degradation, mainly caused by climate change.
Type: PRIMA - Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
Our Role
In SUREPASTOR, Trust-IT is supporting the University of Florence DAGRI department in the Dissemination and Communication of the project’s activities. In particular, Trust-IT is responsible for developing the visual identity of SUREPASTOR, with online and offline communication tools and also the design of the website, which will be the main interface for showcasing the project’s results.
Today, Mediterranean rangelands are facing vegetation and soil degradation: these difficulties are mainly caused by climate change and unfavourable forage resource management. Simple changes in management practices can avoid these problems, such as choose selected species for seeding/overseeding and experimenting with Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) applications. SUREPASTOR aims at bringing new technologies and management practices to the Mediterranean area, and test this approach in 4 different pilot areas (in Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt), aiming at enhancing the resilience of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities.
- Enhance the resilience to climate change of Mediterranean pastoral and agro-pastoral communities
- Improve the economic, social and environmental conditions of agro-pastoral farming
- Preserve and rehabilitate pastoral ecosystems, including animal and plant biodiversity
- Improve the quality, typicity and diversity of traditional pastoral products

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