10 Dec 2020



Delivery of health services (clinical and administrative) through ICT and connected medical devices is a necessity for healthcare organizations, and changes the way healthcare services are delivered and data are shared. Therefore, cyberattacks and staff mis-behaviour may have significant negative effects on business continuity, patients’ safety and data privacy.

Current levels of privacy protection and security are highly dependent on the intrinsic risk embedded in the existing systems, medical devices and procedures: in a long term perspective, if the investments for physiological renewal/upgrade of these assets were inspired to a “privacy and security by design” approach, the overall risk would decrease.

According this approach the European Commission has set-up regulatory measures (e.g. GDPR, MDR, EU Directive 2016/1148), and also, through the Horizon 2020 programme, funded research and innovation projects to develop solutions that are effective and usable in the healthcare context to reduce the overall ex-ante risk. This includes threats specific to Covid-like situations.

Who should attend?

We invite representatives from hospitals, Medical Device manufacturers, ICT systems providers and Digital service providers to attend this webinar.

With repersentatives from the health, legal and cybersecurity sectors, we'll be hearing about the main challenges facing the medical sector in ensuring secure integration of services that comply to EU regulations. We'll also hear about three cutting-edge security and privacy by-design solutions under development thanks to EC-funding.

  • The Data Governance for Supporting GDPR (DEFeND) project provides an innovative data privacy governance platform which supports Healthcare organizations towards GDPR compliance using advanced modelling languages and methodologies for privacy-by-design and data protection management.
  • The Protection and Privacy of Hospital and Health Infrastructures with Smart Cyber Security and Cyber Threat Toolkit for Data and People (PANACEA) project provides medical device manufacturers, and healthcare organizations with a Security-by-Design Framework (SbDF), a comprehensive workflow including processes, software solutions and links to regulations, covering the entire Medical Device lifecycle, from requirement definition to in-hospital deployment.
  • The PlAtform for PrivAcY preserving data Analytics (PAPAYA) project is developing privacy-by-design solutions and a dedicated platform for data analytics tasks which are outsourced to untrusted data processors. This will allow stakeholders to ensure their clients’ privacy and comply with the European GDPR while extracting valuable and meaningful information from the analysed data. PAPAYA targets two digital health use cases, namely arrhythmia detection and stress detection, whereby patients’ data are protected through dedicated privacy enhancing technologies.





11:00 - 11:05: Welcome note and purpose of the Webinar - Marina Ramirez, AEI Ciberseguridad,

11:05 - 11:15: Challenges and an overview of the proposed Solutions - Sabina Magalini, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli

11:15 - 11:30: The Roadmap to GDPR Compliance in e-Healthcare Services - Paolo Balboni/Anastasia Botsi, ICT Legal Consulting,

11:30 - 11:45: PAPAYA: PlAtform for PrivAcY preserving data Analytics (Healthcare Use Cases) - Orhan Ermis, EURECOM

11:45- 12:05: Security and privacy by design for healthcare data governance - Andrés Castillo, Pediatric Hospital Niño Jesús and Haris Mouratidis, University of Brighton, DEFeND

12:05 - 12:20: PANACEA framework of Security-by-Design Principles applicable to Health systems and medical devices development - Martina Bossini Baroggi, RINA

12:20 - 12:35: Roundtable discussion

12:35 - 12:40: Closing remarks



Publication date: 08 Dec 2020