We are hiring!

Trust-IT & COMMpla are looking for a dynamic, enthusiastic, competent Digital Communications Strategist. Musts are: fluency in English (preferably, mother-tongue), university degree either in communications, marketing, economics discipline, with a passion & flair for digital, mobile & social media.Read more

Trust-It Services & CloudWATCH: Turning cloud research into innovative software & services Concertation Meeting, NetFutures2015, 25 March 2015

The third CloudWATCH Concertation meeting was held at the Net Futures 2015 conference, on 25 March 2015 http://netfutures2015.eu/programme/ The event was organised for all active projects that are...Read more

Time to get loud about the cloud

With cloud computing enabling new research collaborations and providing stimulus for economic growth, there was plenty to shout about at last week’s Cloudscape VII event in Brussels, Belgium ...Read more

Your views from Cloudscape VII

The seventh edition of Cloudscape was held this year in Brussels on 9-10 March. Trust-IT spearheaded this high-profile workshops series back in 2009 as coordinators of the then OGF-Europe project...Read more

PICSE at Europeana Tech Conference, 13 February 2015, Paris

The second international EuropeanaTech conference was be held on February 12th and 13th 2015 in Paris, France. Europeana has developed into a point of reference in various areas, including data...Read more

Helix Nebula video and PICSE presentation at H2020 Information Day

On the 6th of February 2015, the Directorate " Net Futures " organises the Call 2 Information Day and Networking event for 'Future Internet' presenting the topics in the area of Future Internet in...Read more
