Next 7-9 February join the Blue-Cloud Hackathon: come and test the European marine thematic platform to demonstrate the potential of Open Science for ocean sustainability

Next 7-9 February join the Blue-Cloud Hackathon: come and test the European marine thematic platform to demonstrate the potential of Open Science for ocean sustainability

The Blue-Cloud platform is open to new communities in the marine and blue research to test the services and get tailored support for their needs.Read more


Preserving Legacy Source Code with Software Stories

As the computing pioneer Edsger Dijkstra said in his Turing Award speech nearly fifty years ago, computers certainly have “… had a great impact on our society in their capacity of tools, but in that...Read more

Join the SSH Trainers Directory!

Join the SSH Trainers' Directory!

A directory for social science and humanities (SSH) trainers has been recently launched by the SSHOC project and trainers trainees are invited to join. SSHOC has launched the Trainers’ Directory - a...Read more


FAIRsFAIR Final Event 2022

Between January 25th and 27th, FAIRsFAIR partners and stakeholders will meet for a series of concluding meetings to deep-dive into the results of FAIRsFAIR. They’ll analyse the impact that they...Read more


6th “Walk & Talk” Webinar on Digital Twins: Evolving Global Standards

As part of the "Walk & Talk" Webinar series, 2023 is going to run the 6th episode entirely dedicated to the Digital Twins domain. The Webinar will feature esteemed ICT experts deeply...Read more


Be agile or do agile. This is the question.

The 4th industrial revolution has already been underway for a good while now. I like to cite this famous quote by Håkan Strömbeck: " It's no longer the big fish that eats the little fish, but it's...Read more
